ConceptOne PowerShell and WPF Editor Preview

The ConceptOne PowerShell and WPF (Windows Presentation Editor) editor is a new editor by Tobias Welter and a holistic solution for providing PowerShell scripts with a GUI (Graphical User Interface). After the extension ISESteroids for the PowerShell ISE (Install-Module -Name isesteroids -Scope CurrentUser) Tobias is now programming a completely new editor. This will have the ability to edit WPF interfaces directly in this editor. This makes it possible to quickly add a GUI to your own PowerShell scripts to pass them on to colleagues without PowerShell prior knowledge.In addition, the new editor already shows a significant improvement in performance for the IntelliSense feature. In the PowerShell Unser Group Hannover we were allowed to test the editor already in early 2018. With the PSConf.EU 2019 Tobias has now officially released a version and given permission to write something about it. Much in the editor is reminiscent of Visual Studio code.If you are interested in Concept One you have to wait for an official release.

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