Already in April I programmed my PSConftris in PowerShell. This is available in the PowerShell gallery and can be used withAlready in April I programmed my PSConftris in PowerShell. This is available in the PowerShell gallery and can be used with
Install-Modules PSConftris -Scope CurrentUser
And started with:
PSConftris is particularly interesting because it includes many functions for real-time processing in PowerShell and set the screen position. I plan to write my own blog article about the architecture at some time.
Now I have built a vending machine for our PowerShell Saturday of the #PSUGH in Hannover. Basis is a Raspberry Pi3 with the PowerShell Core. Among other things an On Screen Keyboard is necessary for the score input with the joystick. This function may also be useful for other projects. Therefore I would like to share it with the community in this blog.
Here is a screenshot for use
And here is the script for it
<# .SYNOPSIS Set cursor posion in the PowerShell console .DESCRIPTION Set cursor posion in the PowerShell console .PARAMETER x parameter -x for the x position .PARAMETER y parameter -y for the < position .EXAMPLE set-ConsolePosition -x Value -y Value #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( $maxStringSize = 20, $minChars=3 ) function set-ConsolePosition { <# .SYNOPSIS Set cursor posion in the PowerShell console .DESCRIPTION Set cursor posion in the PowerShell console .PARAMETER x parameter -x for the x position .PARAMETER y parameter -y for the < position .EXAMPLE set-ConsolePosition -x Value -y Value #> Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [int]$x, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [int]$y ) $position=$host.ui.rawui.cursorposition $position.x=$x $position.y=$y $host.ui.rawui.cursorposition = $position } function Get-PowerShellOnScreenKeyboard{ <# .SYNOPSIS Create a onScreen ASCII Keyboard .DESCRIPTION Create a onScreen ASCII Keyboard .PARAMETER xsxale -xsxale Chars x (11) .PARAMETER yscale -yscale chars y (3) .PARAMETER maxStringSize -maxStringSize max size of the output String .PARAMETER minChars -minChars min size of the output String .EXAMPLE Get-PowerShellOnScreenKeyboard .LINK URLs to related sites .OUTPUTS a String #> param( $xsxale = 11, $yscale = 3, $maxStringSize = 20, $minChars=3 ) clear $keytable = @('A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z','Ö','Ä','Ü','_','.') #Paint Keyboards $i =0; for($y=0; $y -lt($keytable.Count / 10);$y++){ for($x=0; $x -lt 11;$x++){ Write-Host $($keytable[$i] + " ") -NoNewline if($i -lt $keytable.count){ $i++ } } Write-Host Write-Host } set-ConsolePosition -x 0 -y 7 Write-Host "Entry :" Write-Host Write-Host "Top left button = delete (backspace key)" Write-Host "Bottom left button = insert (space key)" Write-Host "Top middle button = Enter (enter key)" Write-Host "Min input size = $minChars and max size = $maxStringSize" $x=0 $y=0 [string] $InputString = "" set-ConsolePosition -x ($x*2) -y ($y*2+1) Write-Host '^' set-ConsolePosition -x 0 -y 15 $AllDone = $false while(!($AllDone)){ if( ([Console]::KeyAvailable -and ([ConsoleKeyInfo] $key = [Console]::ReadKey())) ) { #Clear Buffer while ([Console]::KeyAvailable){ $key = [Console]::ReadKey() } $oldx=$x $oldy=$y #Write-Host $key.key switch ($key.key) { 'LeftArrow' { if($x -gt 0) {$x--} } 'RightArrow'{ if($x -lt ($xsxale-1)) { if(($y)*$xsxale + $x +1 -lt $keytable.Count){ $x++ } } } 'UpArrow' { if($y -gt 0) {$y--} } 'DownArrow' { if($y -lt ($yscale-1)) { if(($y+1)*$xsxale + $x -lt $keytable.Count){ $y++ } } } 'Enter' { if(($InputString.Length -ge $minChars) -and ($InputString.Length -le $maxStringSize)){ $AllDone = $true } else { #Write-Host "Min input size = $minChars and max size = $maxStringSize" } } 'Spacebar' { if($InputString.Length -lt $maxStringSize){ $InputString += [char] $keytable[$y*$xsxale + $x] } } 'Backspace' { if($InputString.Length -ge 1) { $InputString = $InputString.Substring(0,$InputString.Length-1) } } } #if(($oldx -ne $x) -or ($oldy -ne $y)){ set-ConsolePosition -x ($oldx*2) -y ($oldy*2+1) Write-Host ' ' set-ConsolePosition -x ($x*2) -y ($y*2+1) Write-Host '^' set-ConsolePosition -x 0 -y 7 Write-Host $("Entry :" + $InputString+" ") #} set-ConsolePosition -x 0 -y 15 Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 30 } } return $InputString } Get-PowerShellOnScreenKeyboard -maxStringSize $maxStringSize -minChars $minChars